The winds of time 時間之風
You knock me to the ground 你將我擊倒在地上
I'm dying of thirst 我渴而垂死
I wanna run away 我想逃離
I don't know how to set me free to live 我不知如何讓自己自由的生活
My mind cries out feeling pain 我的心因痛苦而吶喊

I've been roaming to find myself 我四處徘徊 尋找自我
How long have I been feeling endless hurt 這無盡的痛 我還得忍受多久
Falling down, rain flows into my heart 落雨流入我心中
In the pain I'm waiting for you 在痛苦中我等待你
Can't go back 無法回去
No place to go back to 無處可歸
Life is lost . Flowers fall 生命已逝、花墜落
If it's all dream 如果這都是夢
Now wake me up 現在就喚醒我
If it's all real 如果全是真的
Just kill me 就只好殺了我

I want the meaning of my life? 我想知道我活著的意義
Do I try to live? Do I try to love? 我該試著活下去嗎?
Do I try to lovein my dream? 我該試著去愛嗎?<

Destiny Alive Heaven Love 我該試著去實現夢想中的愛嗎?<
Innocence Always Destroy 愛與純真總被毀滅
Aftermath Hell Life Infinite... 而地獄 卻生命無線


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